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June 19, 2014

SplitMango Team

It's been a quiet six months from us, but only in the blog. And if you're anything like us, you're a subscriber to a handful of blogs that deliver you amazing content on a regular basis. We sure hope we fall under that same category when you come over for a visit.

The secret is, we felt like we haven't been deserving that precious space in the "blogosphere". In an effort to be completely honest with you, we've had the nagging feeling we've been contributing to the noise. Instead of delivering you content that rocked you at your core, we were delivering content because it was something we felt we should be doing.

Combine that nagging feeling with a massive team overhaul, and you've got the perfect recipe for the silence over the past few months. Below you'll find a more in depth explanation of what's been happening within the SplitMango world.

Your dream team is growing

Our team has undergone a massive makeover. Overall, we'd like to think we're much more beautiful and primed to serve you. We've seen the addition of Kenny, Taher and Amber along with the return of one of our own, Willie! Not to mention, Todd, Ken and myself.With all the staff changes we've been busy trying to refine our processes and really nail down the roles for everyone. In the end it's all about service, and the better we can shape our roles and cut the fat from our processes, the better we can serve you.

We finally feel we're at a place to share this exciting news with you and ramp up our blogging efforts once again. Boy do we have a lot to share!

A continued focus on value 

Like we hinted at above, another reason for our silence is due to an overall lack of deep purpose for our blog. We initially jumped on our content creation efforts because we felt it was the right thing to do.

In this initial rush we forgot to distill the purpose and reasoning behind our efforts. However, we've spent some serious time back at the yellow drawing board. Pulling ourselves away from our screens and asking ourselves the right questions has really brought some massive clarity to our team and blogging efforts.

In fact, we don't really believe in the idea of content creation. We think it has watered down the power of words. Instead of actually serving people, you end up creating content just to keep your head above water.

We believe the shift needs to be towards quality, not quantity. We believe in providing value, not simply re-hashing the same information that's already out there. We believe in packing as much value as humanly possible into a single post. Ultimately, we want to create articles you're excited to read and excited to open.

What you can now expect

Moving forward you can expect regular blog posts that will blow you away. Our team is set, our intentions are defined and the dust has settled. All we can say is, grab your hats for what's in store.

Expect a handful of posts every single month. You will not want to miss these. They will be jam-packed with value. Our goal is to walk the line between the core of what we do, and practical steps to level up your online presence. You can also expect more of a focus on our local neighbourhood (the awesome Vancouver and surrounding areas of course) and our amazing clients, partners and friends. We love where we work and love our circle even more. So get ready for some gems coming your way.

We're all set and fired up, we hope you join us to see how this new journey unfolds.

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