SplitMango Web Design Project: Prompton Real Estate Services

Meet our Clients

October 29, 2015

SplitMango Media Inc.

1.5 Minute Read

Prompton Real Estate Management are a team of dedicated, multi-cultural, highly trained professionals who are proud to deliver services in Real Estate Sales and Property Management. They are also repeat customers of SplitMango. We've been working closely with them for the past six years to improve their business online. As technology has advanced and improved we've worked with Prompton to create their first, second and third websites.

Goals & Functionality

  • Design and develop a modern website revamp
  • Migrate over 10,000 images from their last website
  • Custom Responsive Web Design
  • WordPress Development & Integration
  • Future Friendly Web Technologies
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery


We wanted to showcase Prompton's many properties in a new, modern and classy layout, yet retain quick loading speed. While designing for this new site we needed to keep in mind that Prompton's last website contained a large quantity of photos. With over 10,000 existing images we needed to make sure that they were optimized on the new website for faster display.

Feature We're Most Proud Of

One exciting feature we're proud of allows users to subscribe to a building for future vacancy. When a suite for rent becomes available in the building the user has subscribed to they will automatically be notified.


We understand the importance of a great User Experience. Making sure Prompton's new website was mobile friendly was very important to us and our client. Maintaining Prompton's new look across all browsers and devices was accomplished with responsive design.


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