Hiking and Biking Your Way to a Better Bottom Line


June 25, 2015

SplitMango Media Inc.

Staying fit can be challenging in any industry and tech is no different, but it’s important to make sure you exercise everyday if you can. Working out with your coworkers can help your team solve problems faster and communicate more easily.

The World Health Organization suggests that we exercise for 150 minutes per week at a moderate level or 75 minutes per week at an intense level. Here at SplitMango we try to make sure we get a bit of both to keep our bodies moving and our minds sharp.


One of our favourite exercise activities is the Grouse Grind. Climbing a mountain before work can seem like a tall task, but it helps get our bodies from head to toe, ready for the day. Giving our minds plenty of time to wake up in the morning allows us to problem solve better, and come up with new ideas to to help grow our business, all while getting some healthy vigorous exercise.

There are lots of personal benefits, but working on challenging physical activities together helps us build a team first environment. We use this camaraderie and communication to tackle challenging projects in a more efficient way. Before you get started you should know the Grouse Grind is challenging task and everyone should make sure their bodies are able to tackle the nature's StairMaster before partaking. The reward at the top is a rehydrating beverage and a fantastic view of the city. Here’s a look at our latest trek!


Another of our favourite exercise activities is bike riding, or cycling if you prefer. Although North Vancouver is mostly one giant hill you can still find beautiful areas to cycle that challenge your fitness without draining your energy completely like the Seymour Demonstration Forest.

Beautiful paved paths that wind through dense Vancouver forest provide a calming atmosphere for some great exercise. With both inclines and declines throughout the 20km round trip you can to test your leg strength and your top speed while enjoying exercise with a little adrenaline. Check out our route and more great information in this trip breakdown.We’re planning on incorporating more exercises into our daily lives and we hope you are too. Let us know if you have some other great outdoor exercise activities you enjoy and we’ll keep you posted on any new challenges we take on.

Thanks for reading!

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