Meet the Mangos – A Chat with Jacqui


April 9, 2015

SplitMango Media Inc.

We sat down with Jacqui, one of our newest Interactive Developers, to chat about design, development and the Internet.

Jacqui - Interactive Web Developer

SplitMango: Oh hey Jacqui, what's your name?

Jacqui: Jaclyn Alana Turtle Janzen but I prefer Jacqui. Why spell it with a 'qui' if there is no 'qui' in your given name? My mom lived in Winnipeg for a few years before I was born and frequented a club called "Jacqui". Apparently she had so many good times at this particular discotech that she wanted to remember them forever through me...

SplitMango: Interesting... What's your background in design and development?

Jacqui: I went to BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology) in 2014 and graduated with a Senior Certificate in New Media and Web Design.

SplitMango: I bet you graduated with distinction.

Jacqui: Why yes I did!

SplitMango: What drew you to coding and design?

Jacqui: I've always loved design and started with anything and everything print. Posters are one of my favourite items to design, there are just so many ways you can get creative with it.

It wasn't until I started working on an independent film project that needed a website that I realized I really loved coding and creating for the Internet. I had taken an intermediate course in code a few years prior (why they let me in with no experience is still up for debate) and even though I hadn't loved the class itself, I quickly realized that coding was something I could definitely enjoy. I was hooked after that initial feeling of success when I finally solved a problem that only hours previous had me wanting to rip out my hair.

SplitMango: Well, we're glad to see you still have a full head of hair. How long have you been working at SplitMango?

Jacqui: I've been working at SplitMango for just over a month now!

SplitMango: What a newbie! What's your favourite thing to do when you're not coding and designing?

Jacqui: Produce events. I have a small production company, BlackJacq Productions, that produces film, theatre and events. I can't get enough!

SplitMango: Very cool. If there was one thing you could change about the Internet what would it be?

Jacqui: Internet give me: more micro pigs. Internet get rid of: ads and racism - there's way too much of both.

May I address the Internet please?

SplitMango: Yes, but only for a moment.

Jacqui: Thank you.

Dear Mrs. Internet,
Please give me ads with multi coloured micro pigs and I'll reconsider the ad comment.

SplitMango: Well it's been a pleasure chatting with you. We can't wait to see more of your work coming up soon!

Jacqui: Thanks! I'm very excited to be here.

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